Cameron’s Insights – My Way or the High Way
My wife Lyza took a photo of me one morning while we were meditating on the jetty. I was in my undies and cowboy hat. She described me as everyone’s favourite spiritual, classic, yoga loving, cowboy hat wearing, joke cracking, storytelling, clean and fast food loving, sweet and saucy, old and new age, rough diamond man.
Mm…yes. That’s me!
I wasn’t always a spiritual man. I’ve been a good man, a good-hearted man, who on many occasions in my life, has made bad decisions. Sometimes very bad choices, especially as to how I was to live my life at that time/that moment.
Looking back now with some insight, these bad behaviours were just a steam valve for all the internal pain and sadness I was bottling up. This would often manifest as rage or a total lack of respect and consideration for those that I loved.
Again, with insight and understanding, I am now able to come to terms with that wretched behavior. For it is not the sum of my human experience that makes me – me. The man that I am today.
Is it possible to be hardcore and spiritual at the same time? I pose the question.
A common term I use today is “Please do not confuse kindness with weakness”. I no longer see that being heart felt and in touch with my emotions is a weakness, rather it is something that today’s modern man should strive for.
What if we really are spiritual beings having a human experience?
Being in my human body is like being a kid in a candy store. I am bombarded daily with stimuli. Take a moment to think about it, every thought, Feeling and sensation is just a response to an interaction with others or the world as we know it.
How we respond to this stimulus is the deal breaker.
Am I a spiritual man today? Bloody oath I am!! As John Williamson may sing.
I can no longer blame ignorance for my sometimes-poor reactions to the stimuli. I have opened Pandora’s box. My life today in this human body, I call Cameron. I am learning every day through being experiential. Today as I learn to be a fully conscious human, I practice making good choices.
I look forward to sharing my daily experiences with you through my Spiritual Practices.
It’s good being a rough diamond.
There is always room for improvement.
It’s good to be me.
God Bless,
P.S.. Make time and join me and the lads at our fortnightly Gold Coast Mens Group