I am Grateful for the waves
I would love to share with you a gentle reminder on gratitude I had this morning. How grace saved my world from destruction. 8.30am Lyza was with healing clients so I decided to have some one on one time on the jetty.
Blue sky, no noise, fish jumping, it was not long before my bliss bubble was filling quite nicely. Eyes shut and enjoy the warmth of the sun on my body . Eyes open and taking in the scenery.
A dingy was floating close by and the young lad was spinning for fish. I tensed for a moment…. Budddddy, your not part of this scene….. No you’re ok. He had an electric motor which was not breaking my moment. I sat back in meditation mode, I actually enjoyed watching him throw his spinning line, he himself in his own bubble.. Nothing is going to spoil this moment, nothing. Continue on, Om Shanti….
My mind drifted to the jetty tonight, violin with Frank Fodor, now Im getting excited, a text on the phone came from Frank just at that moment. “Just getting the all ok for tonight”?
Love Synchronicities, I have to say.
How was the weather? Frank texted.
All good. All is not good its great I thought to myself, this moment cant get any better. I took a photo of me on the jetty showing the blue skies and texted it to him with the words “We are lucky boys”!
Frank text me a pic back of his view from his veranda as he was having his cup of tea as well, “We are indeed my good man”, he said.
Just then I looked to my left in horror where I saw a large speed boat coming, pulling a skier towards me. The Death Star is coming and its going to destroy my world. He was going fast and I began to tense myself. I frowned in preparation for an oncoming sulk. I looked as the bow waves beckoned towards me, awaiting my response. If only I was Obi Wan Kenobi, “there are no bow waves under MY jetty”. That wont work, my morning was about to be shattered.
My inner guidance/the beings of assistance I call “the guys”, whom I work with, have previously been given full permission by me to catch me on my BS.
At that point they cut like a record needle sliding across the record.
Stop what I said, Im preparing for the end of my world. leave me alone.
Dont be such a baby, you have a choice you know!
What choice, there is a dirty big bow wave about to hit my F#$%?! Jetty, I cant stop it.
They replied, You have the choice to go against it or go with it and ride the wave. You can be grateful for every experience you have in this life. You CAN make this decision right now! but you have not got much time….. well?.. There was a silent pause.
I shrugged my shoulders in submission and in keeping with my Star Wars theme of this morning, I surrendered to the guidance of the great spirit Yoda.
I wiggled my body and head, loosening up a bit, Like one of those horrible ornaments on the dashboard of a car way back when they were cool. Deep breath, relax…………………..
I am grateful wave, for this experience, I said out loud, trying so hard to mean what I am saying.
They barked at me with a sense of urgency, the wave is almost here. Say it again, just mean it this time!!!
Deeper breath and sigh…. ahhhhhhh. I am grateful wave, for this experience.
The wave was a big one , but now, relaxed, my body swayed back and forth in harmony with the wave. This feels good. It was like an upright Zen Chi machine. The more I relaxed the better It was. Meditation in motion, bring it on. This is pretty cool.
With my eyes still shut, my mind drifted back to other blissful experiences with this wave sensation.
Cuddling my beloved Lyza in my arms one evening as the sun was going down,
In my mid twenties in a dingy at Karumba in the Cape of Queensland with my children Ben and Tanealle. They were so young and beautiful and innocent. Ben had just caught a cat fish. holding it in his hands, we all chuckled as I took a photo. I can feel the gentle waves as they hit the dingy.
Wow… back to my teens even. I was a big lad for my age. We had caught a train to Sydney and a ferry to Lunar park. I had bought a six pack of beer and we were sitting on the rocking jetty near the big mouth. With a bottle each, I felt so grown up, so happy to be with my friends that I revered so much.
I was so so happy in all those moments and now I am experiences them all at the same time. My Cup Runneth over. (Did you know “My Cup Runneth Over” is a quotation from the Hebrew Bible and means “I have more than enough for my needs)
Beautiful beautiful memories that will remain with me forever. I am so grateful wave. Even now as I type I can still feel the waves gently under my body and wonderful sensations of joy as a result of this experience.
Motto: It pays to be grateful. I have choices with every moment.
God Bless
Cameron Monley
This is only one of many articles on my blog which I have called “My way or the High way”, so if you want to see more click http://bit.ly/SpiritualInsightsCameron
I am also a registered councilor and am available for one on one confidential session. Feel free to call me.
P.S.. Make time and join me and the lads at our fortnightly Gold Coast Mens Group or on alternate Tuesdays at Lyza Saint Ambrosena Sacred Womens Circle. https://theinfiniteconnection.com.au/events/