Coming out of the Spiritual Closet
I AM LIGHT. I am a vessel of divine light.
Did I just write that? I can sense the redness in my cheeks as I blush with mild embarrassment at the thought of me opening the door of my spiritual closet, exposing all my white bits for the whole world to see.
I have not always been this light, only six to seven years a go back. I was more fifty shades of grey. Not that I would call myself dark, merely my daily decision making processes needed an upgrade.
Blame, anger and resentment where my daily inner dialogue and I would reach for any form of distraction I could get to help me gulp those feelings back down where I did not have to deal with them. I won’t bore you with the long-winded story of how it all started.
The bottom line is, I joined a spiritual church where I began to meet all these wonderful, talented, heart felt people. Never had I encountered so many warm, honest and heart-felt people all in one place. I had come home. I liked this place, I might live here.
So, it began. I was like a kid in a candy store. They used a bucket load of the jargon I did not understand in the beginning, that kind of went over my head. Like the “just be”. At one point I thought to myself if someone else is going to tell me to “just be” again, I am going to head butt them. Just be what? But then that’s a story for another day.
My story today is about working with the light. I had never heard that reference before. In the beginning I used to go to a spiritual centre in Brisbane where this lovely lady with the ideals of Mother Theresa had half adopted me.
One day she said to me, “Cameron. You know you are a light worker. And from now on you will be working with the light”. I remember my inner voice saying to me at the time, “what does she mean by that? This woman is a fruit loop”.
How could I, me, someone who could have very easily been best friends with the movie star Charlie Sheen, ever become a light worker? The light worker container would crack under the weight of the crap I would be bringing with me.
So, the journey began. Small steps.
There is not “right” or “wrong” in my life and I have come to the personal belief that every single choice that I make whether big or minuscule either adds or subtracts the light. Actually adds or subtracts to my light. The light that this divine in dweller and physical presence which I am known as Cameron, is able to generate and able to share with those I come into contact with. Not just the friends and the people I love, but every single sentient being I come across during my daily routine and the spirit community that Lyza and I so passionately work with. “Dear God, allow me be a bridge for those I meet”. Let them feel the grace that I so gratefully receive, so they may also go and be vessels of divine light sharing this with others.
Can I share with you a lovely experience I had with a spiritual artist who draws your guides. She said something to the effect “My goodness. You are surrounded by so many beautiful beings. Many angelic. They are all ready to work with you when the time is right and when you are willing and ready. Today I am just going to draw you.”
So here I am. Do you like me? I do. I like me very much. All the light choices I have made over the last five years to get me to the point where I am right now.
As I look at this image right now I can feel these “Light Beings” with me right now. They draw even closer (that’s what it feels like to me anyway, letys not get caught up in the jargon) as I bring them into my awareness. I will talk about “walking aware” another time. I can feel their love, their support as well as their admiration and gratitude for the efforts that I make daily.
Today I am willing and ready. I am a vessel of divine light. I walk in the light, I become the light. I am the light.
Well here I am out the of closet. I invite you to Come join me in the Light.
I have created this blog not just so I can rant about the things that I do. More so, it is to encourage interaction between those who read it. So make a comment guys
This article is my second blog from what I have called “My way or the High way”, so if you want to see more click to my home page
Cameron Monley (thats me) is the creator of “The Infinite Connection” – Inspiring events on the Gold Coast featuring Mens groups, Women’s groups, Meditation, Live Music & Spiritual Gatherings with Unique Guest presenters –
P.S.. Make time and join me and the lads at our fortnightly Gold Coast Mens Group
Well Cam,
I can say with a great pride that you have influenced my life in so many ways. Firstly through your groups where Amy attended. I remember the first time she came home after meeting you & telling me of this really nice man. Man, what man I thought. I must admit I was more than a little jealous of this man she spoke so kindly of. A smile & relieved breath left my body when I found out you were in a relationship with Lyza. Secondly through your men’s group (The Develoipng Man). Where you welcomed me with open arms & when I needed it the most. I instantly knew I had met someone that I would come to respect & learn from/through. Your honesty & exuberant giving nature spread a light for any wishing to move forward into their own light. Thanks mate.
Powerful, beautiful, honest, inspiring and excited to hear the rest of your beautiful story x
Congratulations Cameron!
Yes, you are a vessel of Light ! Yes, you are the Light! I know you for a few years, and the transformation in you, with you is just spectacular! Your journey is an example of passion and determination!
Well done, Cameron! ”
” I love me” – so special ! You are a great Man and you have so much Light to give! Go for it !
I remember what a wise man said :” Surround yourself with people who are able to give you the spiritual connection you need sharing your love and light is a strength deep from within”. You and Lyza, and The Infinite Connections are sharing Light and Love with everyone.
The Best to come!