Why join a Mens Group
Let me tell you something magical happens when a group of men get together and are brutally honest about what’s going on in their lives. For a number of years, I felt a subtle pressure from somewhere deep inside me to start a men’s group. I had many reasons why I shouldn’t and only one reason why I should. “Because it felt right”.
I remember sometime after my divorce, my ex had demanded from me, “you gave up alcohol for Lyza but you would not do it for me” to which I retorted, “Darling, you were the reason I drank”.
But who was I kidding, to be brutally honest I was so unhappy with myself, my life and all the poor choices I had made, I would snatch any opportunity I could get to escape that feeling of…………..? So many words I could use to describe my sense of emptiness, anger, frustration, worthlessness, I could just go on. I think you know what I’m trying to say.
My typical daily ritual was 6 to 8 cups of coffee a day to keep me up, then from 6pm – 9pm. Not one minute before or one minute after, I would drown my sorrows of the day with 15 to 20 nips of Scotch.
Back to being brutally honest. My moments of “feeling” were fleeting, as anytime an emotion would arise I would reach for the first available distraction I could lay my hands on to drown it back down again.
I knew I had to make a choice. Stay the same in the “who am I kidding” life or make a change. Letting go was scary. As unpleasant as my life was, there was a comfort in knowing what was going to happen tomorrow. The same shit .
There were moments down the track when I use to just begin to cry. WTF I didn’t even know why I was crying. After a while I stopped fighting these emotions as I began to realise that it was just me starting to feel. All my pent up shit began to ooze out.
If you’re a man and you and find yourself on any part of this journey, then You’re Awakening, You’re growing and you’re ready for change. When we men think of meditation, men’s groups or spiritual growth, there’s a risk of seeming “woo-woo” or “flaky”. Essentially, “being spiritual” means connecting with our OWN strength and our OWN truth. Out of this chaos, I created “The Infinite Connection” where we invite guest presenters to share different paths through the quagmire to transform from confusion to awareness. In my Men’s Groups we explore life in practical and everyday ways for those who are wanting more out of life.
I have created this blog not just so I can rant about the things that I do. More so, it is to encourage interaction between those who read it. So make a comment guys
This article is my first blog so if you want to see more click to my home page
Cameron Monley (thats me) is the creator of “The Infinite Connection” – Inspiring events on the Gold Coast featuring Mens groups, Women’s groups, Meditation, Live Music & Spiritual Gatherings with Unique Guest presenters – www.TheInfiniteConnection.com.au