Look for your own personal tray of condiments that will spice up your life
Live your dream every chance you can.
Lyza and I have a saying “faith it till you make it”. I believe so much in the power of manifestation, we all want big full lives, many will use the excuses of lack of money, time and energy in the persuit of happiness.
Look for your own personal tray of condiments that will spice up your life. I have found many little gifts that are cheap yet mean so much. If that means a $5 pair of peacock pants and uggs to wear of a morning. What ever floats YOUR boat. Take a minute now and think of something that makes you smile from the inside out.
The trick in all this is to make a start now, there is no better time. Tell me what are you going to add to your spice rack?
Remember you are the Gift that keeps on giving. To read more of my insights http://bit.ly/SpiritualInsightsCameron
God Bless
I have created this blog not just so I can rant about the things that I do. More so, it is to encourage interaction between those who read it. So make a comment guys
This article is my second blog from what I have called “My way or the High way”, so if you want to see more click to my home page
Cameron Monley (thats me) is the creator of “The Infinite Connection” – Inspiring events on the Gold Coast featuring Mens groups, Women’s groups, Meditation, Live Music & Spiritual Gatherings with Unique Guest presenters – www.TheInfiniteConnection.com.au