Join us on Saturday 16 November, 2013 at Upper Coomera for a night of Inspiration, Meditation, a Scrumptious Vegetarian Meal and Music that connects us all to our Body, Mind and Soul.
This months special guests are Psychic Medium Elizabeth Joy and Sacred Geometry with Starina Nightsky.
Connect with like minded hearts ♥ and souls from all over South East Queensland.
TO ENSURE YOUR PLACE ON THE NIGHT YOU MUST REGISTER AS NUMBERS ARE LIMITED FOR CATERING. You can now pay by Credit Card or Paypal. We’d Love you to join in and experience and share with The Infinite Connection.
Elizabeth Joy .. is an experienced Psychic Medium, Spiritual Guide, Author and Presenter. Join us for The Official Launch of Elizabeth’s new Meditation CD “Meditations For Manifesting” as she introduces a unique way to meditate that includes the mind through the power of Acronyms. This meditation CD can help you more consciously Align with Your Minds Intention, Hearts Desire and Souls Purpose. Giving you a more empowered place to live and create from. You will also experience one of Elizabeth’s guided meditations from her new CD embrace a stronger sense of self and your full creative potential and power. Time permitting Elizabeth will also pass on Psychic Medium messages to some audience members. Elizabeth’s talks and demonstrations are always Entertaining and Enlightening .. So come along prepared to have some FUN.
STARINA: The Galactic Goddess, Starina is an international Healer, Reader, Author and Artist; and the channel and sacred custodian of the Sacred Symbols of the Stars. Having studied in the fields of Reiki, Pranic Healing, ancient Egyptian and Sacred Geometry Healing, she has over 16 years experience in both hands on and distant healing.
After her journey to Egypt in 2007 she began channelling Sacred Geometry artworks that had a profound ability to shift people’s consciousness, and download new holograms of light into their energetic fields.
In 2012 Starina began bringing through much higher energy frequencies, and in doing so, birthed The Sacred Symbols of the Stars. These amazing channelled designs work multi-dimensionally, tapping into past, present and future lifetimes, for the ultimate healing experience.
Come and join us for an evening with Starina and Sacred Symbols of the Stars! Starina will be introducing us all to these beautiful sacred geometry artworks that were channelled from Source for the healing of humanity. We will hear a bit about Starina’s journey bringing through these new healing frequencies and be taken a journey through the 12 galactic frequencies that make up the Sacred Symbols of the Stars. If time permits Starina will guide everyone on a short activation meditation with one of the symbols, and also talk a bit about her new galactic card deck and how you can work with these amazing transformational tools in your everyday lives.
SUPPER starts at 6pm Scrumptious vegetarian Meal, cookies, Tea and coffee
EVENT starts at 7pm
WHERE Home of The Infinite Connection LOCATION 16 Yarama Court, Upper Coomera. COST: $25
We are connected with many of the best psychics, psychic mediums; Spiritual, Reiki and Crystal Healers that the Gold Coast and Brisbane has to offer, as well as make contact with numerous spiritualist churches We have a wealth of information to share with anyone seeking more information pertaining to spiritualism and psychic readings and to meditate.