Join us on Saturday Join us on Saturday 14 December, 2013 at Upper Coomera for a night of Inspiration, Meditation, a Scrumptious Vegetarian Meal and Music that connects us all to our Body, Mind and Soul.
This months special guests are Psychic Medium the Rev Sarah Neil and Sound Alchemist leandra
Connect with like minded hearts ♥ and souls from all over South East Queensland.
Sacred Sound Alchemy with Leandra
Leandra is a Sound Alchemist, Her celestial sounds brings transformation to those she supports on a core level. she teaches and guides people with her wisdom, presence, and the use of her voice to channel Celestial Light.
Leandra uses her voice and her energetic vocalisation to sing the sounds to soothe your soul. Through Sacred Sound and a deep understanding of Energy, Leandra teaches the Powerful Essence of Sound as a Healing and Transformational modality.
She offers you great gifts through teaching you the Alchemy of your own Sounds and also bathes you the divine tones of her music, including native american flute, tibetan singing bowls and the powerful healing vibrations of biosonic tuning forks.
She will share with you the gifts and tools of how sound can support you to bring you into a calm and centered space in your daily life as she invites you to connect with your true soul essence.
As an international Sound Healer, teacher and recording artist Leandra has been sharing her transformational healing work over the last 20 years. She has CDs and DVDs that offer you healing vibrations to use in your meditation and spiritual practises.She offers workshops, seminars and private healing Sessions.
Psychic Medium Sarah Neil. As a psychic medium, trained in the UK, and emerging as the third generation psychic medium / healer, I have travelled Australia performing readings and demonstrations since 1990 in psychic fayres, Mind Body Spirit festivals and Australian Psychics on the road. In the last year Sarah has begun mentoring mediums just starting out, or those redefining their skills, and provide ongoing training for a variety of healing modalities
Sarah is also qualified workplace trainer / clinical hypnotherapist / sekhem, seichem, & usui reiki master -trainer / aromatherapist / colour therapist / practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming and Theta Healing practitioner and in 2000 brought World LIght Fellowship and Ministries to Australia which now assists some 11 churches to operate in Qld & NSW.
Sarah will talk on our intuitive connection, how we are all mediumistic whether we receive information from angels, guides, family and friends – and how we can enhance our connection, and work with the messages to assist with lifestyle choices. And then give a valid demonstration of connection with family and friends who have passed on and possibly also connect with guidance and wise counsel on the other side.
SUPPER starts at 6pm Scrumptious vegetarian Meal, cookies, Tea and coffee
EVENT starts at 7pm
WHERE Home of The Infinite Connection LOCATION 16 Yarama Court, Upper Coomera. COST: $25
We are connected with many of the best psychics, psychic mediums; Spiritual, Reiki and Crystal Healers that the Gold Coast and Brisbane has to offer, as well as make contact with numerous spiritualist churches We have a wealth of information to share with anyone seeking more information pertaining to spiritualism and psychic readings and to meditate.