Join us Friday 24 February for Channeling Divine Guidance with Trance Medium Lyza Saint Ambrosena. Lyza surrenders to the Divine Light that works through all of us for healing & guidance.
Lyza is one of Australia’s most advanced, open eyed trance mediums. Similar to
There are very few mediums who fully incorporate healing spiritual healing presences and are able to walk, talk and function interacting with persons who are present. Lyza channels many Divine and Angelic beings who are here to support the transformation of human consciousness into a new dimension where love and integrity are easily and gracefully acheived. The energy is tangible and can be felt by those in the room and is transmitted through media (sound and video) to people on the other side of the world.
Mediumistic control means a sharing of mental and physical energies between the medium and spirit communicator or operator. Control signifies a telepathic rapport between the two. How strongly in rapport they are determines the degree of control. Control can range from inspired thought, to conscious control, to light trance, to deep trance, to very deep trance. It all depends upon the work at hand and the mental and physical energies available to the spirit communicator or operator, in this case Lyza. Lyza is an open eyed trance medium who channels Soul healing energy to open up your ow divine guidance and intuition, assisting with clarity. peace, freedom and direction.
In trance – (deep meditation), the spirit (healing presence) speaks directly through the consciousness of the medium (Lyza)- rather than the medium relating what is being mentally given to him or her — the voice pattern, inflection, and general manner of speech differ from that normally exhibited by Lyza, depending on what is required for healing and guidance for the individual (or group) who is the focus of attention at any given time..
Research has been conducted around the language patterns of dialogue exhibited during trance communication. There is very often a broken speech pattern, a reversal of sentence structure, and an overall change in grammar usage. An important point to mention is about control. What does it mean to channel spirit? First of all, it does NOT mean that Lyza is, in any way, possessed by a spirit personality. Nor does it mean that Lyza leaves her body and the spirit enters therein.
“Lyza Saint Ambrosena. is an Inspirational Energy Healer, Teacher and mentor, her passion is to inspire others to Awaken and learn to create the life of their heartfelt dreams… There is nothing more inspiring than experiencing a dream manifesting.
Lyza channels energy through her hands and body, directed by a series of healing guides; she has developed her ability to channel the energy and messages directly through her whole body, mind and spirit, – opening hearts, healing minds & bodies and delivering life changing soul re connection.
Lyza began healing 27 years ago and is able to blend with her guides not just through her hands and body but through her whole being which is how the Channeling Divine Guidance Sessions work , both in Group Sessions and private one on one sessions. She often works with other healers to enhance their connection to guidance for their healing practices, and can reconnect clients to passed loved ones opening a door to the other side for reconciliation using her psychic medium-ship when required.”
Lyza began working with Energy healing in 1990, in New Zealand, and has since learned and practiced many more modalities internationally, in New York, Los Angeles, New Zealand and Australia. Including Reiki, CranioSacral Therapy, Energy Healing Bodywork, Regeneration Therapy, Holistic Pulsing, Bodyconsciousness, Sound Healing, Reflexology, Theta healing and many more.
The Healing Guides that work through and within Lyza’s energy field create profound emotional, physical and energetic shifts.
Lyza channels many Divine and Angelic Beings. The youtube below is an example of Lyza channeling the Divine Feminine Energy which we refer to as “the little one”. Half way through this youtube (below). Lyza opens her eyes for the first time whilst in full trance. Three months later she began to walk around and interact with people in the room.
The next three are more recent clips with Lyza channeling “the little one”.
You can see how much she has progressed with the work.
Lyza also channels Spiritual Beings for many cultures and time frames as depicted below
Sessions with Lyza where she is directly “Channeling Divine Guidance” can open up your own divine guidance and intuition. This can be life changing with increased clarity, peace, happiness and direction.
Lyza and Cameron Love what they do as they do what they love.
Helping people to create a beautiful heart connection with Source and Community
Cameron Monley and Lyza Saint Ambrosena are committed to bringing quality experts from the alternative health, yoga, meditation, healthy eating, wellness and spiritual growth industries together and call these regular gatherings of like minded locals from both Gold Coast and Brisbane, The Infinite Connection – an organisation that promotes and networks with people wanting more out of life.
Learn more about the infinite Connection Events
Phone Cameron on 0414714948 Cost is $45 per person
WHERE Mount Yoga Bikram Yoga Studio, 26 Tawa St, Mount Maunganui, Tauranga 3116
Friday 24 February 2017
We are connected with many of the best psychics, psychic mediums; Spiritual, Reiki and Crystal Healers that the Gold Coast and Brisbane has to offer, as well as make contact with numerous spiritualist churches We have a wealth of information to share with anyone seeking more information pertaining to spiritualism and psychic readings and to meditate.