Join Cameron 1.30pm on Friday and Sunday in the workshop area as he and the guys offer an introduction into Mens Groups. Lets cut through the BS. What does it mean to be a Man?
The mantra of our Gold Coast Mens Group is I am fully responsible everything I feel and I am totally accountable for everything I do
REAL MEN? Woo Woo or Wise? When we men think of meditation, mens groups and spiritual growth, there’s a risk it will be seen as ‘woo-woo,’ or ‘flaky.’ Essentially, ‘being spiritual’ means connecting with your OWN wisdom, your OWN strength and your OWN truth. This is what we will explore in a practical and everyday way, with those of you who are interested in wanting more out of life.”
I am doing my best to be authentic and I am doing it from the heart and I’m opening up the opportunity for us all to get together and evolve while having some laughter, fun and f-ups along the way. I’m willing to open up & stand up and risk the chance of falling and making a fool of myself. Who really cares what other people think? I don’t think I do any more.
I’m not quite sure exactly where we are going to go with this, but I have a feeling that it’s going to be good. I know that authenticity is a good place to start. I invite you to join me each month, as we map out where we are going to go on this journey of evolution. Here is my vision.
Why me and why join a men’s group now?
My life has had its extreme ups and extreme downs. I have had more than the average bear’s share of disappointments, heartaches and failure. I have thrown myself into obsessive behaviours to distract me from the pain I felt. The more I drank the harder I worked, and it never seemed to quench my sadness, or sense of wanting more.
My desire for change never really seemed to get me where I wanted to go, as it was only short lived, with new locations, new ideas, and constant movement that stopped me from dealing with the now. I deferred many tough decisions for the immediate, easy, ‘quick fix. I never knew I had a choice.
If I only knew back then what I know now – that decision making is similar to driving a car… Every turn is a choice and every choice leads us on a different road to a different destination, a different life.
When I am driving, I am conscious that every turn has its consequences… and that any wrong turn will result in immediate ramifications.
I have begun to realise it’s the same with life. Every choice has REAL ramifications. Consciously or unconsciously I realise that every ‘poor decision’ I have made comes back and haunts me for years to come until I deal with it and get back on the right road heading in the right direction.
How many of us can relate to that?
Join me on this roller coaster of a ROAD called LIFE, with its highs and lows, its joys and sorrows, in the pursuit of transformation into a happier stress free satisfying life.
Not dealing with my stress as a Street Cop and entrepreneur –How I got to Hell and Back?
As a street cop for nearly 20 years I’ve seen destruction, violence, bashings and death on a regular basis. My stress-relief of choice resided somewhere in the bottom of a Bundaberg Rum bottle. If someone had explained to me that my demeanour, sleep patterns and stress could all be improved using meditation and alternative health methods, I probably would have locked them up for being a public nuisance! By the way that’s me in the picture on the right with the moustache.
1999 Brewarrina Police Station (Back of Bourke).
After leaving the police force for private enterprise, I experienced life in the fast lane, high stress, 18 hour days, 50 staff, 100 phone calls a day. I used 6-8 coffees a day to keep me up and a minimum of two bottles of scotch a week to bring me down. I was not only in the fast lane in business, I was in the fast lane for a heart attack! Something had to change. “I know that many men shy away from meditation and conversations about REAL issues for fear of being labelled soft or airy-fairy, but I am living proof of its life saving benefits. You can be both blokey and stress free. Cameron Monley
I am now committed to bringing quality experts from the alternative health, yoga and meditation, healthy eating and wellness, and spiritual growth industries together. I have called this regular gathering of like-minded locals from the Gold Coast, ‘The Infinite Connection,’ an organisation that promotes and networks with people wanting more out of life.
Alex Vesey : I have had the pleasure of knowing cameron for over 24 years, he is loud, a big presence, high energy wicked sense of humour and brutally honest. I trust him and I trust his judgement. This phase of Camerons life is seeing Cameron put back what he has been given in his life experiences. My experience as a psychiatric Nurse has allowed my self to see many a man in emotional distress and unrest, having the option to safely visit a man cave, like being proposed by Cameron, is wonderful option to experience a safe environment to learn, grow, mature and finally look at your self as honestly as I see cameron do. “ Cant wait to sit in the cave mate”.
Statistics about Men, Stress:
• STRESSED FOR TIME – In 2007, 35% of men always or often felt rushed or pressed for time. – Australia Bureau of Statistics
• DIVORCE RATES INCREASE – At the turn of the 20th century, divorce was virtually non-existent, but by the end of the 20th century it was estimated that 32 percent of Australian marriages would end in divorce (ABS, 2000). Journal of Sociology, Vol. 41, No. 2, June 2005
• ANXIETY – Anxiety is the most common mental condition in Australia. On average, 1 in 4 people – 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men – will experience anxiety. There are many types of anxiety, each consisting of a range of specific symptoms.
• SUPPORT GROUP BENEFITS – Being in a support group can also help you develop new skills to relate to others. In addition, the members of the group who have the same problems can support each other and may suggest new ways of dealing with a particular problem. WebMD
• The University Of Wisconsin found that experienced meditators exhibit high levels of gamma wave activity, meaning they are automatically able to control their thoughts and reactions.
• AFL Premiership Sydney Swans Coach, Paul Roos, credits meditation with Sydney’s success, citing that 90% of success happens above the shoulders.
Cameron Monley and Lyza Saint Ambrosena are committed to bringing quality experts from the alternative health, yoga, meditation, healthy eating, wellness and spiritual growth industries together and call these regular gatherings of like minded locals from both Gold Coast and Brisbane, The Infinite Connection – an organisation that promotes and networks with people wanting more out of life.
Learn more about the infinite Connection Events
Phone Cameron on 0414714948
We are connected with many of the best psychics, psychic mediums; Spiritual, Reiki and Crystal Healers that the Gold Coast and Brisbane has to offer, as well as make contact with numerous spiritualist churches We have a wealth of information to share with anyone seeking more information pertaining to spiritualism and psychic readings and to meditate.