Spiritual Channeling Divine Will ~ Let your Unity with Spirit be Beautiful

Lyza: Some of the healing guides I work with in the healing room are of a celestial (galactic) vibration, rather than human, and here, one of these guides speaks of how beautiful the human heart energy is when it is fully functional within the human body. They explain that the...
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The Divine Feminine (The Little one) ~Reveals her Lifetime as an Egyptian prophet

In this chanel, Lyza speaks as The little one (The Divine Feminine), and then you can visibly watch the energy start to shift as she begins to speak & share a lifetime she’s experienced in Egypt as a prophet. She speaks of the tall youthful body, that maintained youth...
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Spiritual Channeling the Vibration of Rose Quartz with Meditation

Rose Quartz Crystal Meditation:  A lovely quick pick me up experience for when you are feelng you need a little tune up of self love. Lyza: Here we tune into the Rose Quartz crystalline consciousness to hear and feel the message and gift these divine crystals bring us.  ...
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Kevin James Carroll speaks about his life and the Heart Songs Music that he creates

This is the second time that we have had the privilage of having Kevin James Carroll as a guest at one of monthy events.This time was no different with many hard core devotees and those who had never experienced anything like this before.  At the end of the night everyone left...
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A 2014 Greeting from Lyza & Cameron and the Guides from The Infinite Connection

Lyza channels a beautiful simple message for us for 2014. We are looking forward to bringing even more amazing presenters and spiritual experiences for everyone at our events this year. In the message from the guides remind us to listen to our hearts and make choices that make us...
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